Hullo evereebuddy!
Guess who this is! Whoever guesses correct wins matt's LEE man utd jersey XD
I am just writing to update on matty's NEW life wheeeeeeeeee, he is now in the uni of manchester studying MEng in Chem Engineering, loving his studies especially PBL (Point at Butt Lamely) sessions and cooking a whirlwind of inedible food for which he shall grow big and strong and mighty on his mission to err grow big. XD
Matt is now a big brave boy (not that he wasn't before) , well only the brave part, not the big cause err, it is a given he shall never achieve literal bigness hahahahihiihihohoh and he loves many new things, including his soon-to-be christmas present and including ME!
If you haven't guessed who i am yet then you need to ring matt up, give him a wedgie for being so secretive and ask him wtf is going oun yo!
I shall soon be famous wuahahaha cannot wait cannot wait!
K that's all thanks blogger thanks all and thanks to me for my awesomeness.

Ooh gangster~ XD
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